The Millionaire Next Door (The Millionaire Next Door)
Many people often ask the question that they work hard, are well educated, earn high income but are still not rich.
The work was written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, first published in 1996. In this work, the authors pointed out 7 important steps that millionaires in America often go through.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
`Rich Dad, Poor Dad` is a very popular book by author Robert T. Kiyosaki.
How rich people think (How rich people think)
The author of the book – Steve Siebold spent 30 years interviewing 1,000 millionaires and billionaires to find out the difference between them and other ordinary people.
Think and Grow rich (Think and Grow rich)
If you want to be rich, you must first have a goal.
Written during the Great Depression, author Napoleon Hill and former advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt interviewed more than 500 successful people to find the key to becoming rich.
You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not
Aimed at middle-class income earners, author Farnoosh Torabi suggests ways to help you save money in several areas of life.
The Richest Man in Babylon
Written by George S. Clason, the book offers principles and secrets to getting rich.
The Science of Getting Rich
You always have to equip yourself with knowledge when you want to become rich.
Author Wallace Wattle provides knowledge about getting rich through positive thinking.
The Automatic Millionaire
David Bach explains that you don’t necessarily have to get rich with a budget, but you do need to come up with a specific plan.
Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life (Let it go, let’s do it: Lessons in Life)
Written by seasoned businessman and billionaire Richard Branson, the book recounts the author’s journey to success and suggests ways to help you do the same.
The Millionaire Fast Lane
The Millionaire Fast Lane shows the difference between what you can’t and can do.