Abdominal bloating and flatulence can be caused by many reasons such as food intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal infection, gastroparesis, constipation causing accumulation of feces in the digestive tract.
Doctor Dao Tran Tien, Deputy Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi, said that physiological bloating and gas can be adjusted to reasonable living habits and nutrition.
Inactivity: Bloating and bloating can make the patient feel tired and not want to exercise.
Exercise promotes regular bowel movements, improves the transport process, clears gas in the intestines, and supports the digestive process.
Cold water bath: Can make the body more tired when there are symptoms of bloating and flatulence.
According to Dr. Tien, this condition can be reduced thanks to the warmth of water.
Avoid taking cold showers when bloated.
Eating a lot of fat and sweets: Hinders the digestion of food, causing severe bloating and flatulence.
Eating too much: Eating too quickly and too full at once can easily cause bloating.
Staying up late: Frequently increases secretions and upsets stomach acid, making the body tired every time you wake up.
Taking medicine without a doctor’s prescription: Using medicine without permission can affect the digestive system.
According to Dr. Tien, flatulence and bloating usually go away after a few days.
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