Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Director of the Department of Health Environmental Management, Ministry of Health announced the above data at the Launching Ceremony in response to World Environment Day, on the afternoon of June 5 in Hanoi.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the biggest environmental risk to health.
About 90% of patients live in low- and middle-income countries but high emissions from industry, transport, agriculture as well as household use of dirty stoves and fuels.
WHO estimates that between 2030Â and 2050 climate change could cause an additional 250,000 deaths per year from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stroke.
Motorcyclists wear masks to avoid dust on Hanoi streets.
Ms. Nguyen Hoang Anh, Deputy Department of Environmental Quality Management, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said that in Vietnam, air environment monitoring results in some large cities in recent years have shown that the quality is not good.
Local dust concentrations in some urban areas, especially in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, have values ​​exceeding QCVN.
According to Ms. Anh, the cause of serious air pollution on some days and at certain times of the day in big cities is emissions generated from the activities of vehicles and activities.
`The air quality index sometimes exceeds the safe threshold, endangering people’s health,` Ms. Anh said.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital staff planted trees in response to World Environment Day.
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) chose the theme of this year’s World Environment Day as `Air Pollution.`
Ms. Huong said that the Ministry of Health has had many activities to reduce air pollution and minimize the impact of air pollution on health such as green – clean – beautiful medical facilities to create a clean and safe environment.
Many medical facilities have used environmentally friendly technology to treat waste such as steaming equipment and microwave equipment to treat infectious waste instead of using incinerators.
At the ceremony, representatives of the departments of the Central Obstetrics Hospital signed a commitment to wash their hands with soap to enhance hygiene and create a clean environment in the hospital.
Le Nga