Greek Yogurt contains nearly twice as much protein as other yogurts, helping to keep you full longer.
Greek Yogurt contains nearly twice as much protein as other yogurts, helping to keep you full longer.
Grapefruit does not help the body burn fat but provides soluble fiber, helping to feel full longer.
Grapefruit does not help the body burn fat but provides soluble fiber, helping to feel full longer.
Fish is one of the healthy sources of protein.
Fish is one of the healthy sources of protein.
Nuts help reduce hunger between meals.
Nuts help reduce hunger between meals.
Berries are rich in water and fiber, sweet, easy to eat, and can be used as a snack instead of cakes.
Berries are rich in water and fiber, sweet, easy to eat, and can be used as a snack instead of cakes.
Quinoa is a whole grain that provides protein, healthy fiber, and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Quinoa is easy to combine with many dishes such as salads, boiled vegetables, and curries.
Quinoa is a whole grain that provides protein, healthy fiber, and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Quinoa is easy to combine with many dishes such as salads, boiled vegetables, and curries.
Eggs have only 75 calories in one medium-sized egg, along with 7 grams of protein and other important nutrients.
Eggs have only 75 calories in one medium-sized egg, along with 7 grams of protein and other important nutrients.
Salad is made from vegetables and contains lots of fiber and water.
Salad is made from vegetables and contains lots of fiber and water.
Green tea contains the antioxidant catechins which can promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn fat in the short term.
Green tea contains the antioxidant catechins which can promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn fat in the short term.
Bao Bao (According to WebMD)
Photo: Freepik