Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008) directed by Christopher Nolan breathed a new breath into the character of Batman, which was just a hero image on paper and did not have much influence outside of the story.
`Batman` (1989) has a Gothic style by Tim Burton.
When Warner Bros.
The brilliant success that laid the foundation for the Batman film series that Tim Burton brought, combined with the humiliating failure of his successor Joel Schumacher in Batman Forever (1995) and Batman & Robin (1997), are challenges.
Under his molding, the character of Batman has been raised to a new level, more serious, more adult, more real and has more topical experiences.
`Batman Returns` stars Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman.
In today’s turbulent world, Hollywood filmmakers are especially sensitive to the topic of human civilization being destroyed and the world coming to an end.
The opportunities for human existence in these two films are fewer and fainter than other films with the same topic.
Starting with Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan built the context of a Gotham city steeped in corruption and violence at every level.
The Dark Knight goes even further as the film is set largely in Chicago.
Christopher Nolan’s Gotham City in the movie `Batman Begins`.
When witnessing the government’s inability to enforce the law, ordinary citizens like Bruce Wayne felt they had no other choice but to work to stabilize social order.
To him, they are simply individuals responsible for their decisions and choices.
At the end of The Dark Knight, double-faced killer Harvey Dent is honored as a hero of Gotham, while Batman becomes a man chased by the whole city, a `dark knight` who always has to run away.
Many people have compared the ending of The Dark Knight, which Nolan delicately co-wrote with his younger brother, to the ending of The Empire Strikes Back (1980) in the Star Wars film series.
Director Christopher Nolan – the man who revived Batman on the silver screen.
Christopher Nolan believes that Tim Burton’s Batman image has a vision, has a very unique style of the character and is therefore attractive.
Because Christopher Nolan wanted the film’s setting to reflect the psychological foundation of a character whose life is covered by the shadow of many tragedies, Batman Begins has a very unique urban setting, very different from what other
Later, the impact of this emotional loss caused Bruce Wayne to become bitter and eager for revenge.
Christopher Nolan on the set of `The Dark Knight Rises`.
Before working on the Batman series, Christopher Nolan was best known for Memento, a cleverly structured crime film with elliptical storytelling and reverse chronology.
Nolan’s greatest success through two films is the skillful integration of economic, social and political conflicts.
The Dark Knight Rises – the final episode in the Batman film series directed by Christopher Nolan – will premiere in Vietnam on July 27.
* `Batman Begins`
* `The Dark Knight`
* `The Dark Knight Rises`
Chau Tran