Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease characterized by airflow obstruction that is not fully reversible.
Malnutrition is a common problem in COPD patients, with loss of muscle mass and functional impairment.
Nutrition is very important in preventing and supporting the treatment of Covid-19.
Nutritional support for COPD patients with a diet that improves energy and protein in the diet helps prevent weight loss and improve patient function, including respiratory and intercostal muscle strength.
COPD patients need to eat about 25-30 Kcal per kg in amount per day, then gradually increase.
Below are healthy diet tips for people with COPD.
Energy needs
Energy needs are about 25-30 Kcal per kg per day, then energy levels can be gradually increased to 35-40 Kcal.
Protein needs
The protein needs of malnourished COPD patients are about 1.5 g per kg per day.
Lipid needs
Energy provided by lipids is usually 20-25% of total energy needs.
Increase vegetables and fruits
Antioxidant vitamins and minerals that are good for COPD patients are vitamins A, C, D, E, which are anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious.
Dark green vegetables and red or yellow fruits contain lots of vitamins A, C, E. Vegetables and fruits help improve digestion, limit cholesterol absorption, and limit constipation in COPD patients.
Change foods and cooking methods to make them easier to eat, follow a reasonable diet, and increase a diet rich in fiber but easy to chew to help stimulate bowel movements.
Divide meals into small portions about 5 meals a day, avoid overeating which can cause shortness of breath.
In addition to a complete, balanced and reasonable diet of nutrients, patients should be encouraged and instructed to exercise.
Foods to limit: Do not eat salty foods and foods high in salt such as sausages, sausages, canned foods, seafood, dried foods, pickled foods… Limit carbonated drinks.