Names like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or Michael Dell have made many people think that dropping out of school to start a business is the shortcut to success.
On Forbes’ list of the 400 richest people in America last year, 63 people did not have a college degree.
Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates all dropped out of school.
These people can be divided into two groups.
The second group is slightly different because they did not leave university to do business.
All of the above stories have led many people to think that other factors can compensate for a University degree.
However, The Atlantic believes that we have overlooked the detail that people who drop out of school and succeed are very outstanding individuals.
If a young person doesn’t have those resources, dropping out of school to do business is like using savings to buy the lottery, hoping to win a million dollars.
According to The Atlantic, 34 million Americans over the age of 25 went to college, but did not get a degree, equivalent to the entire state of California.
Many students, especially those from difficult families, need a college degree to change their lives.
These people do not have the freedom to choose to go to famous schools or join Silicon Valley.
University helps young people be equipped with the knowledge and relationships to succeed.
It is no coincidence that practical ideas that change our lives, such as computers and the Internet, all originate from university students.