1. Hyouka The story revolves around Houtarou, who has a rather aloof and indifferent lifestyle, always looking...
9. Diablo III When talking about Blizzard’s blockbuster, people will immediately mention Diablo III. The fact that...
1. Lucy (2014) and Elfen Lied (2004) What would happen if humans could use 100% of their brain’s capacity? The...
1. Scary photo from the movie The Rescuers. In 1999, Disney and the media discovered a strange...
Winning the lottery is a stroke of luck with odds of 1 in millions. Distribute all lottery...
Color plays an important part in how we perceive the world. But when we look at Earth...
Economist James Heckman, who won the Nobel Prize in 2000, conducted a survey in which he asked...
Not only is it one of the most anticipated comic book movies this year, Birds of Prey:...
Ms. Judith Keppel, born in 1942, was the first person to pass 15 questions of the UK’s...
(Dan Tri) - US President-elect Donald Trump used Twitter to repeatedly attack China regarding the seizure of...