Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, easily leads to death, has poor treatment outcomes and is expensive when the disease is diagnosed at a late stage or has metastasized.
Dr. Bui Chi Viet, Head of Surgery Department 2, Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital, said that if genetic risk factors are excluded, the majority of colorectal cancers are caused by lifestyle habits and lifestyle.
There are many risk factors that people can prevent such as:
– Red meat (beef, lamb) is considered closely related to colorectal cancer.
Red meat is considered closely related to colorectal cancer.
– Eating a lot of meat, fat, protein, and little fiber can easily lead to obesity and has a high risk of colorectal cancer.
– Drinks containing alcohol increase the risk of colorectal cancer if consumed more than 15 grams a day.
– Cigarettes are known as `killers` of cardiovascular disease or lung cancer.
– Obesity also increases the risk of colorectal cancer for both men and women, but more clearly in men.
Physical activity, movement or exercise will reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, based on preventing obesity and also reducing the time of stagnation in the colon.
– However, there are also uncontrollable factors such as age.
Symptoms signal early detection of colon cancer
Common symptoms are lower gastrointestinal bleeding, changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue and especially intestinal obstruction.
Depending on the location of the tumor in which part of the colon, there are specific symptoms.
Particularly for rectal cancer, fresh blood in the stool and tenesmus are two prominent symptoms.
How to screen for colon cancer?
In our country, colorectal cancer ranks 4th in both sexes.
In addition, obesity and smoking combined are also in the high risk group.
Colorectal cancer screening methods often start with simple, less invasive methods and move on to more specialized methods such as finding hidden blood in stool, sigmoidoscopy, and complete colonoscopy.
Stool sample testing has been shown to improve disease prognosis by detecting cancer at an early and treatable stage.
Note to prevent colon cancer
– Do not use too much meat or fat derived from animal protein.
– Supplement adequate fiber from barley, fruits, fresh vegetables… These substances dilute carcinogens in stool, reduce the time of stool stagnation in the intestines, and at the same time produce beneficial bacteria.
– Add vitamins E, C, and A. Take more calcium.
– Have an active lifestyle and exercise regimen.